Bipolar Disorders

Bipolar: Treatment and Prevention

Treatment for mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder can involve medical, talk therapy and a variety of lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise. As a holistic wellness center, we're well positioned to offer you the right combination of treatment protocols to stabilize your moods. Improving your mental health is our top goal when it comes to your treatment.

Understanding bipolar disorder paves the way for treatment and recovery. Medicinal interventions are the most common ways of treating bipolar disorder. This condition is treated with three main types of medicines: mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants. But medicines alone are not enough. Holistic treatment is still the way to go. Aside from medicines, bipolar disorder is also treated with psychotherapy such as cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, social, family and group therapy. Other nondrug treatments and lifestyle changes are also part of the treatment process.

Bipolar disorder is a challenging ailment for the sufferer and his or her loved ones.

Knowing the symptoms of this disorder can help you identify what you may be going through. It is important that you know you are not alone and that many people successfully treat and manage this disorder.

The first step is to seek help. If any of the symptoms or descriptions below sound familiar, please pick up the phone and contact a treating professional immediately.

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

Bipolar disorder symptoms can have a wide range of length of time and severity depending on the individual. Characteristics can be seen in the intense highs and lows of those who suffer from bipolar disorder. When experiencing mania, a person can feel intensely optimistic and may be speaking rapidly with thoughts jumping back and forth. There may also be feelings of grandiosity and impulsiveness. Bipolar depression is the opposite extreme with sufferers possibly experiencing feelings of guilt and hopelessness. They may also have trouble sleeping and concentrating.

There maybe trouble finding joy in day to day life and in extreme cases may have thoughts of suicide or death. There is a spectrum of bipolar disorder with the most severe suffers demonstrating periods of mania that requires hospitalization. Bipolar disorder is broken into four types of mood episodes that can be experienced: mania, hypomania, depression and mixed episodes. Each mood type has its own set of distinctive symptoms.


The symptoms of mania show themselves when a person is experiencing the “high” end of the bipolar spectrum. People in this stage often have grandiose feelings about themselves and their abilities believing themselves to be invincible and having feelings of euphoria. They typically have bursts of energy with rapid talking and little sleep. While some of these symptoms may sound like positives, they often result in choices with negative consequences. During a manic episode, the sufferer may spend money recklessly on gambling or other activities and engage is risky sexual behaviors. People suffering from mania also tend to be protective of their state and may lash out at anyone who questions their decisions or behavioral choices. Click here for more information .

Bipolar Disorders


Hypomania is a less severe form of mania with many similar symptoms. People with hypomania may just seem like they are overly cheerful all the time. They will have less severe symptoms of mania making it easier for them to excel at day to day life. Hypomania can still lead to negative choices and may also develop into the more extreme mania phase.


Bipolar depression may initially resemble regular depression but the two are different and need to be treated differently. Bipolar depression symptoms may include sleeplessness, anxiety, hopelessness, irritability, fatigue, memory loss, and suicidal thoughts.

Mixed Episodes

Mixed episodes are exactly what they sound like, a mix of the other three types of bipolar episodes. People experiencing a mixed episode will have symptoms from two or more of either mania, hypomania or depression. This type of episode can be particularly dangerous, with a mix of high and lows creating a higher risk of suicide.

Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

Treating bipolar disorder is important for the safety and health of the person experiencing the disorder. People who experience bipolar disorder suffer from risky behaviors and decision making including suicide. If you or anyone you know displays symptoms of bipolar disorder it is important to seek treatment immediately. Depressive states can come on quickly with harmful and negative consequences.

Treatment needs to be comprehensive and long term. The manic phase of bipolar disorder can be very alluring and deceptive. It is important that you seek help from a treating professional that can help you identify your symptoms and episodes. Some people may enjoy the euphoric highs of the manic state but they often come with rash decisions that may negatively impact their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

Professional treatment will include a number of steps. Regular visits to a treating professional to track and maintain your condition will be key. There is no magic pill or medication to treating bipolar disorder. This will be an ongoing and long term process so it is important to find a treating professional that you can talk to and build a rapport with. You may experience some setbacks before finding your disorder is well managed so regular communication and monitoring with your chosen professional is critical to your safety and care.

Another important part of bipolar treatment is seeking help from the right and fully capable professionals. Make sure that you come to the right place with the right people when you seek for help. Some only provide medicines, while others only offer nonpharmaceutical treatments. Holistic treatment is still the best and fastest approach in dealing with bipolar disorder. Valbuena Wellness Center is the right place to be. As a holistic wellness center, we are well positioned to offer you the right combination of treatment protocols to relieve the symptoms and effects of bipolar disorder. We know the right approach and our professionals will not only treat you but will also be there for you and with you all throughout the treatment period.

Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder

While there isn’t a medication that can cure bipolar disorder, there are some that can help manage symptoms and episodes.

You may work with your treating professional to find medications that help you manage your disorder and alleviate episodic incidents. When trying a new medication it is important to be particularly in tune to your feelings and to communicate them to those around you. You may find that it takes several attempts to find the right medication and dosage to manage your symptoms effectively.

Self-management is also a key part of treatment. There are many things you can be empowered to do to help manage the disorder. Diet and exercise have been found to have a direct impact on bipolar disorder. Regular exercise can help improve mood and lessen the number of severe depressive episodes. Similarly, eating well and getting enough sleep can improve your moods.

You should do everything you can to limit stress. Just as eating well and exercise can promote good moods, stress can trigger and exacerbate bad moods. Try to keep your stress levels low and avoid any depressive episode triggers.

You should also develop and rely on a network of support. Utilize your treating professional, family,friends and loved ones as a support system to help you identify feelings and actions that may lead to harm and keep you on a healthy path.

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